B.E.S.T Inline Caravan Water Filter
A Caravan Inline water filter can be dual purpose! You can use it easily on your hose when filling your tanks and also use it in line on your hose when connected to mains pressure!
B.E.S.T Filter Life:The reason most other water filters have a recommended replacement interval of 6 - 12 months is that the bacteria levels within the system can increase to an unhealthy level. The B.E.S.T range has two full beds of SilverSafe® which kill harmful bacteria and keep your filter bacteria free during extended storage periods.
Because of SilverSafe® - There is no reason for regular interval replacement of the B.E.S.T Water Filter due to the lack of bacteria within the system! Simply replace the unit when the carbon's life expires ~5,000 Hours of Chlorinated Water (You can tell this life time is up, when the taste is undesirable)
Chemical Dirt Removal: The 322HB B.E.S.T Inline Caravan Water Filter contains a combination of quality carbons which are chosen to suit Australian Water Conditions and remove a broad spectrum of contaminants.
Reversible & Back Flushable: The B.E.S.T is symmetrical about both ends which allows it to be back flushed to eliminate any build up on contaminants on the membrane.
Flow Rate: The Filter has a flow rate of up to 15 Litres Per Minute. If you have the time or know that your water source needs more filtration you can simply slow the water flow down to increase the contaminant removal action - Handy when filling your tanks!
Silver Impregnated vs SilverSafe®: Don't confuse these B.E.S.T Inline Water Filters for competitors claiming to have silver impregnated, they will still breed bacteria. Only B.E.S.T has the SilverSafe® Technology

Flow Rate: up to 15 Litres per minute
Max pressure: Compliant to Australian Standards, holds 2100kPa over a 15 minute period
Minimum Pump Pressure Required: Min. 35psi or higher
Min/Max Temp: 1°C - 40°C
Compact: 30cm x 9cm x 9cm