Maximise space with caravan storage supplies
While caravanning remains a favourite Australian pastime, the biggest challenge that Aussie explorers face is utilising their limited caravan space to its optimum capacity. After all, the last thing you want is to live in overcrowded conditions, particularly if travelling with family or your partner. A neat, organised space is helpful for a stress-free holiday — everything will have its place, and you can rest assured you haven’t left anything at home.
Most importantly, since a caravan is frequently on the move, you must secure your items to protect them from breakage. Kitchenware like glasses, eggs, and plates are fragile and should be stored with care. By utilising storage containers, glass racks and plate retainers, you can better protect your kitchenware while on the move and prevent any breakages. When travelling in remote, rural areas, it’s not like you’ll have a local shopping centre nearby! You’re better off preparing for the road trip in advance.